An Ounce

The Monster Who Ate Everything

Jim Fugate Season 6 Episode 21

 Have you ever watched one of those old Sci-Fi Movies? Like the one where the ants become gigantic because of nuclear radiation, or the one where aliens’ invade. Or how ‘bout this one – The Blob, with Steve McQueen, where a green gelatinous blob from outer space arrives and grows bigger as it devours everything – and then everything changes and the crisis passes – and life goes on in spite of the losses. 

What if something like that really happened. 

Well, believe it or not – it has. 

At first, it was just a glistening but shapeless cloud in the sky. It looked kinda’ like a huge advancing snow storm, or maybe smoke. It was so massive it blocked out the sun. 

And then, the cloud descended out of the sky.