An Ounce

Ugly Laws

Jim Fugate Season 6 Episode 25

Ever been bothered by the emerging problems in society. You know, that latest stupid fad, the ridiculous clothes some choose to wear - or the way they wear them, or the behavior that was once considered rude that is now commonplace – or the once polite gesture now considered rude. Or, sometimes it’s just keeping things around town cleaned up a little. 

You might think to yourself, ‘somebody needs to do something - there ought to be a law against that’. 

Sure – who hasn’t thought that? 

In the bigger towns and cities in the US back in the mid to late 1800’s, folks noticed things were getting out of hand. Places were starting to get rough, trashy, uninviting - and dangerous. It was sometimes difficult walking about town without someone accosting you for change, or a donation; or sometimes, there were people you had to step over to get where you were going.