An Ounce

The Test Pancake

Jim Fugate Season 6 Episode 20

 Your life, our world, is filled with analogous examples of ‘test pancakes’.

You can learn a lot from a test pancake. It is an unavoidable and irreplaceable part of breakfast – and most of life. 
What can you learn from a Pancake? Stick with me and check it out.
Have you ever made pancakes? For breakfast… or any other meal? They are a most definitely a delectable staple of our culinary repertoire in the United States. A true and hearty breakfast is not complete without a hot cake or two. 

However, properly made, a simple pancake is fully capable of standing on its own. Hot off the griddle, there is a comfort to their texture and guileless flavor that is both pleasant, peaceful, and re-assuring. A certain familiarity that is a like a never changing foundation of flavors.

All of us will get the opportunity for numerous ‘test pancake’ events in our lives. They happen all the time. They can also be referred to as “firsts”. And, they might be hard or sweet experiences; and at the same time immediate revelations. Each one will generate experience; experience provides learning, perspective, and understanding; and hopefully wisdom. 

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You are listening to An Ounce, Season 6, Episode 20, The Test Pancake


You can learn a lot from a test pancake. It is an unavoidable and irreplaceable part of breakfast – and most of life. 

What can you learn from a Pancake? Stick with me and check it out.

Have you ever made pancakes? For breakfast… or any other meal? They are a most definitely a delectable staple of our culinary repertoire in the United States. A true and hearty breakfast is not complete without a hot cake or two. There are even chains of restaurants that capitalize on the humble pancake.

The unassuming pancake need not be just the plain and unpretentious doughy bit of warmth that is appreciated with the traditional maple syrup. Oh No, it can be adorned with fresh fruit, other flavored syrups, chocolate chips, whipped cream, and even peanut butter; and so much more. Not to mention how well they stand in the companionship of eggs and bacon or sausage. And then, there are the well-loved variants - the waffle and the crêpe. I could go on…

However, properly made, a simple pancake is fully capable of standing on its own. Hot off the griddle, there is a comfort to their texture and guileless flavor that is both pleasant, peaceful, and re-assuring. A certain familiarity that is a like a never changing foundation of flavors.


Test Pancakes Have No Guarantee 


There is an ever-present, and seemingly contradictory, aspect of the pancake. That is, it’s uncertainty.

Like every snowflake, in spite of an initial appearance of uniformity, every pancake will be unique. But more so in that the first pancake – the first bit of batter to hit the griddle, will always be the test pancake. Its outcome is uncertain. There are no guarantees.

The test pancake might stick to the griddle. You might find it comes out a bit uneven in color. It could be pale and bubbly on one side and perfect on the other. It could get overcooked. There are so many possibilities.

After examining the outcome, if necessary, adjustments are made. The batter is thinned, or the griddle temperature is adjusted, or a better spatula is selected. And we try again. But even when the test pancake turns out perfectly (though this seldom happens) – it was still THE test pancake. 

Your life, our world, is filled with analogous examples of ‘test pancakes’.

Maybe you were the firstborn to your parents – You are a Test Pancake.

You want to build a rocket to get you to the moon – there will be several test pancakes – and some will work better than others.

Trying out that new cookie recipe – Yep – Test pancake – even though it’s a cookie.

Dress rehearsal for a theater production – Test pancake.

Your first kiss -…test pancake

All of us will get the opportunity for numerous ‘test pancake’ events in our lives. They happen all the time. They can also be referred to as “firsts”. And, they might be hard or sweet experiences; and at the same time immediate revelations. Each one will generate experience; experience provides learning, perspective, and understanding; and hopefully wisdom.


A Miraculous Gift


The test pancake, that ‘first’, in all its varieties; is a miraculous gift of new, different, fresh, insightful, and unique comprehension. Accept the gift – seek it out – go and live. Within each one is a precious nugget of truth encased in its own exclusive flavor. Spicy or bland, hot or cold, rich or thin - savor them.


Well, there are potentially many little “ounce-sized nuggets of wisdom” to be uncovered here. But, for now, might I suggest just this one.

Here’s An Ounce 

…from our brief consideration of Test Pancakes.

Everyone has encountered test pancake events.

For some, the test pancake moments are exhilarating and happily anticipated.


They can be dreaded unavoidable unknowns that are feared and pushed away, and if possible, completely avoided.

The Ounce – every test pancake is a passage to a bigger life, an answer to questions we might not have even considered, and a potential life changing revelation. They are going to happen. So, do you want yours with maple syrup - or fresh fruit and whipped cream?

And, that’s it. An Ounce, submitted for your consideration