An Ounce

FACT: You Are Eating Bugs!

Jim Fugate Season 6 Episode 21

 This is one of those episodes that might freak you out a bit. If you don’t like to hear about some of the lesser known, but kind’a yucky realities of life. You might want to skip this one.

Some really smart biologist stated that humans are massively outnumbered and out gunned by a presence right here on our own planet, right now. 
In fact, they out number us 1.4 billion to one.

It is a presence we’ve already been at war with, on and off, for eon’s. Sometimes we’ve been seriously decimated by the enemy. They’ve attacked with disease, chemical warfare, and wiped-out crops, and destroyed homes.
But, it’s not like humans haven’t gotten in some licks of their own. We have employed everything from close quarters combat to chemical warfare, and even genetic engineering.

The Enemy – insects: Like fleas, mosquitos, ants, bees, aphids, termites, and so many others. They have been eating our crops, spreading disease, stinging and biting us – even drinking our blood. And they won’t be stopping anytime soon. Ewe –

But a new day has come. And, well, some, understandably, are not completely comfortable with it – including me.

Here’s the latest - Now they are talking about adding even more bugs; and doing it on purpose. In fact, they have already been doing it for quite a while. Want to know more? Check out the video.

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You are listening to An Ounce, Season 6, Episode 21, You Are Eating Bugs


This is one of those episodes that might freak you out a bit. If you don’t like to hear about some of the lesser known, but kind’a yucky realities of life. You might want to skip this one.

But, if you can handle it till the end, you are in for a surprise.


This is War


Some really smart biologist stated that humans are massively outnumbered and out gunned by a presence right here on our own planet, right now. If there were to be all out war and we line every human up for battle, we still be at a serious disadvantage.

In fact, they out number us 1.4 billion to one.

It is a presence we’ve already been at war with, on and off, for eon’s. Sometimes we’ve been seriously decimated by the enemy. They’ve attacked with disease, chemical warfare, and wiped-out crops, and destroyed homes.

But, it’s not like humans haven’t gotten in some licks of their own. We have employed everything from close quarters combat to chemical warfare, and even genetic engineering.

Somehow, we’ve maintained a tenuous, and kind of ugly, balance of co-existence. But there are still active skirmishes, and casualties on both sides, every day.

Why isn’t this a breaking news story? Where are the headlines?

What is this overwhelming presence? Or should we ask, who?

I am happy to tell you – insects: Like fleas, mosquitos, ants, bees, aphids, termites, and so many others. They have been eating our crops, spreading disease, stinging and biting us – even drinking our blood. And they won’t be stopping anytime soon. Ewe –


I Ain’t Eaten No Bugs!


You probably remember that time when you were a kid and somebody ‘double dog dared’ you to eat a worm, or a cricket, or some other creepy crawly. And heck, maybe you are one of those who never backs down, and you can tell us how grass hopper legs taste.

Not me, I ain’t eaten no bugs.

However, you’ve probably seen the headlines about how we are all going to be eating more bugs – because it is good for us and the environment. For some, this prediction seems a sign of the ‘soon to be post-apocalyptic existence’ everyone will share. For others, it’s like ya – seems logical and environmentally responsible – pass them meal worms.

Fact is a large portion of the worlds population has been eating bugs for quite a while. And now, western civilization seems to be entertaining the whole bugs for dinner thing – and it has become a growth industry.

But there is an uncomfortable reality to know. You may have been completely unaware of it, but you have been eating bugs your whole life. The federal Food and Drug Administration (or FDA) has been regulating the quantity of insects and bug parts that are allowed into everything from vegetables to sugar and flower.


That’s right. FDA says unless there is a whole bunch of grasshopper bits in your green beans there are just fine. Toss ‘em in the package and seal it up. And, I must admit I don’t know how they can measure the amount of crushed bug bodies in a cup of flower – but those little extras are inevitably present.  Grade A Protein 


A New Day Has Come


Eating bugs has been going just about forever. In many parts of the world bugs are a staple par of the diet. But we here in the western world haven’t been partaking of insects much – at least not on purpose.

But a new day has come. And, well, some, understandably, are not completely comfortable with it – including me.

Here’s the latest - Now they are talking about adding even more bugs; and doing it on purpose.

In fact, they have already been doing it for quite a while. Here are just a few examples:

The shine on that fresh apple, the shimmer on that fine gourmet chocolate (or even just regular old chocolate) is likely to be from shellac. But not just any old shellac. It’s quite likely to be a shellac that comes from the back end of the female Lac bug.

The wonderful red color in your eyeshadow or lipstick; or the red of your yogurt or ice-cream. Well, it could well be a dye called carmine, or cochineal extract. Basically, it’s made of an innumerable amount of the crushed bodies of the itty-bitty Cochineal beetle. An insect native to south America.

And… its common that in your protein bar, or protein shake… well just remember they are high in amino acids, vitamin b12, and iron. What I’m sayin’ is you might find finely ground, high in protein, flour made from the dried out husks of crickets is an ingredient.

And then there is the ubiquitous L-Cysteine. Used as a conditioner for the dough used in bread and all kinds of other baked goods. This L-Cysteine might be synthetically produced – but it’s also made from human hair, duck feathers, and insect shells.

And, looking to the future, there are solid plans for high protein, nutritious, and delicious bugs to become a regular part of so many other food products.


Well, there are potentially many little “ounce-sized nuggets of wisdom” to be uncovered here. But, for now, might I suggest just this one.

Here’s An Ounce 

…from our brief consideration of eating bugs.


There is a wise old saying that from around the butcher shop that goes like this, ‘nobody wants to see how the sausage is made’.

This little quip reminds that it may not be prudent to know absolutely everything. Not that we should keep ourselves blinded to, or unconcerned about, immoral or unethical things. But, we ought to understand that not all that is ethical, moral, or even completely right – is perfectly palatable when we expose all the particulars.

Hope I haven’t ruined your appetite – but no worries, I’m sure none of that insect stuff is in anything that you’ve eaten – or put on your face, at least as far as I know.

And, that’s it. An Ounce, submitted for your consideration.