An Ounce
'An Ounce' provides awesome WEEKLY episodes. They include amusing stories, ideas, wisdom, and a positive attitude and commentary. 'An Ounce' generally runs less than 15 minutes per episode.
Topics of 'An Ounce' podcast include a smattering of all kinds of subjects. The listener will gain insights from stories encouraging a good attitude, personal responsibility, and presentations promoting learning, doing, and expanding one's understanding and experience.
Are you searching for a podcast to make you smile, with unique perspectives, insights that will help you see life more clearly, wisdom that will you build personal resilience, ideas that will make you think, something you can share with everyone? Well, you've found that podcast packaged with simple charm that will make you smile!
An Ounce
Pirates Plunder and the Metric System
Here is a twisted tale of how pirates raiding a ship in the Caribbean in Sea caused hundreds of years of ongoing disorder in world trade.
In the 1793 a man named Joseph Dombey was crossing the Atlantic with a rather small set of objects. These were carefully packed and protected within a sturdy 3-inch by 3-inch copper cylinder, with a little copper carrying handle on top. This man, and his little copper case, were intended to be presented to none other than Thomas Jefferson, a founding father, the then Secretary of State, and future President, of the United States of America.
Unfortunately, during the crossing of the Atlantic, a fierce storm blew the ship, sailing under a French flag, well off course and deep into the Caribbean.
The ship, it’s cargo, and its French emissary to the United States with his little copper canister fell into some trouble, and were boarded by English Privateers – also known as pirates.
A couple of quick notes:
1. Daily 'Just An Ounce of History' Daily Short's are found exclusively on YouTube at An Ounce Podcast.
2. Audio podcast episodes of 'An Ounce' (e.g. iTunes, Spotify... ) are audio only versions taken from the full video found on YouTube at An Ounce Podcast.