An Ounce

World War 3 and the Bear: A Cold War Tale of Mistaken Identity

Jim Fugate Season 6 Episode 32

 It was October 1962 and the world was on edge. The US military was on high alert, everyone thought nuclear annihilation could happen at any moment. Schools were teaching children to ‘Duck and Cover’ under their desks in the event of an atomic blast. People were digging holes, and pouring concrete in their backyards. Not to build pools, but instead to build a personal fallout shelters - and then quickly filling them with survival supplies. 

It was the Height of the ‘Cuban Missal Crisis’. US President John F. Kennedy and Russian Premier Nakita Khruschev were at odds over the placement of nuclear missiles in Cuba – just a few miles off the coast of Florida. 

There is in Wisconsin an Air National Guard Base, Volk Field, with a 9,000-foot-long runway. What does this have to do with the Cuban Missal Crisis? Listen and find out!

A couple of quick notes: 
1. Daily 'Just An Ounce of History' Daily Short's are found exclusively on YouTube at An Ounce Podcast.
2. Audio podcast episodes of 'An Ounce' (e.g. iTunes, Spotify... ) are audio only versions taken from the full video found on YouTube at An Ounce Podcast.