An Ounce

What Do You Do When Your Aircraft is Melting?: A Few Thoughts About Impossible Choices

Jim Fugate Season 5 Episode 46


On occasion, you have to make a choice – and the options are all bad. Sometimes this is because you have gotten yourself into a mess – other times the mess finds you. And there are situations when it doesn’t really matter – all heck just breaks loose. 

What do you-do when the only choices left are bad ones? 

It was early in the afternoon of October 3rd, 1967, and a B-52 bomber had risen from a runway in the deserts of California. This was not your average B-52. It was still that enormous jet aircraft with a huge wingspan. The one capable of carrying an enormous and devastating load of explosives to pretty much anywhere on the planet. This one, however, wasn’t carrying any bombs.