An Ounce

The Gadgets You Never Suspected: So Many Digital Snitches

April 26, 2024 Jim Fugate Season 6 Episode 17

 (Just a quick note: If you are a little paranoid, this little commentary will only make it worse. You have been warned.)
Have you ever had a brief conversation about something you're interested in, in the privacy of your own home? Then, a few moments later while you are wasting time on Facebook, an add pops up advertising just what you were talking about?
I recently mentioned to my wife that it was time to replace the furnace air filter. That evening, several Google Ads started showing deals on air purifiers and filters for my HVAC system.
Most of us are already suspicious of our smartphones, smart speakers, and smart TVS. “Ya, I already know about that stuff. And if they want to snoop, they are going to get really board”, you might say. I get that, my lifestyle is pretty boring too.
However, as they say on the late-night infomercials, “But Wait – There's More”
It is not just the obvious suspects snitching on you. Oh, No!! There is more! 

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You are listening to An Ounce, Season 6, Episode 17, So Many Digital Snitches 

Just a quick note: If you are a little paranoid, this little commentary will only make it worse. You have been warned. 

Have you ever had a brief conversation, in the privacy of your own home, about a sensitive subject? Maybe you are discussing the lice outbreak at junior's preschool, or the realization that there seems to be more hair on your face than on your head. Then, a few moments later while you are wasting time on Facebook, an add pops up advertising lice shampoo, or baldness cures, or worse? 

I recently mentioned to my wife that it was time to replace the furnace air filter – that evening, several Google Ads started showing deals on air purifiers and filters for my HVAC system. 


So Many Digital Snitches 


Have got a Google Dot, an Alexa, or other smart speaker in your home? How about your TV, or security cameras? Yep, in addition to your web browser and internet searches, your gadgets are keeping tabs on you. 

And, your credit cards, online purchases, and other financial information. They know what you buy, how often you but it, better than you do. 

“Ya, I already know about that stuff. And if they want to snoop, they are going to get really board”, you might say. I get that, my lifestyle is pretty boring too. 

However, as they say on the late-night infomercials, “But Wait – There's More” 

It is not just the obvious suspects snitching on you. Oh, No!! There is more! 


Et Tu, Brute`? 


Your robot vacuum, for instance. That’s right, these little critters map out the floor plan of your home – +to better understand and more efficiently do their job of dust bunny assassination and crumb sucking. Unfortunately, it has been revealed that the vacuum does not keep this information to itself. Many, if not all the manufactures, download that information and sell it on – to whoever. There is a lot about you that can be extrapolated from the floor plan of your home. 

Worse yet; some of these sneaky little rats even have night vision capable, 360-degree cameras – +so they navigate your home better, and avoid obstructions, of course. One brand made by the manufacturer, Dongguan, has been proven to be easily hackable so that someone outside your home can watch you. 

Here is another marvel of modern engineering that spy’s on you. +The wonderful, long-lasting, electricity saving, LED Light. As a specific example of how they can watch you, almost 200 of these lights have been tied into a network at Newark Liberty International Airport. They help the cameras know better when and where to look to watch people, and gather license plate information. 

And here’s another little snitch who is watching you. One that I would have not even thought of. Perhaps it’s because when I am on my computer, I already know nothing is private. Well, In Singapore, in 2012, it was found that an employer had equipped their workers with a mouse that had a tiny microphone, and built in SIM card. The employer could dial up any employee’s mouse and listen to every conversation within 30 feet. 


I know where you are. I know where you’ve been 


And then there’s the Smartwatch – Yep, today's smartwatch does so much more than count your steps, and calculate the number of calories you’ve burned. It also tracks your route. It knows if you're in a car, a bus, or an airplane – and it knows where you’ve been. It can, with reasonable accuracy, and with repletion, figure out your passwords and pin numbers. It can also relay calls and texts to you from your mobile phone, and generally make it impossible for you to find a quite moment. Oh… and it can let you know you are having a heart attack, and also contact someone else and let them know too. So, I dunno – maybe the trade-off is worth it after all. 

By monitoring the GPS data on smart fitness watches - the location of several “top secret” locations were identified – as their wearers went out for daily runs around the perimeter of the location – oops! 


It makes you wonder – do I have a private life? With all the devices, camera’s, satellites my vacuum cleaner, and other gadgets. Is that even possible? 

Oh, excuse me a second – oh well – it seems my refrigerator is reminding I’m almost out of ice cream. 

What is a private life? 


Well, just as with any tale, there are many little “ounce-sized nuggets of wisdom” to be uncovered here. But, for now, might I suggest just this one. 

Here’s An Ounce from our little anecdote about how everyone is being monitored. 

It’s true. Today, the observation and gathering of information is pretty much everywhere and all the time. It is a nearly unavoidable part of modern life. 

However, have you considered, how much of generational change is it, really? 

Haven’t we always been under surveillance of one type or another? If you’ve ever lived in a small town – or been part of a family, or have close friends - you know what I mean. 

With attitudes like. It’s a victimless crime, or what I do in my private life doesn’t affect anyone else, it seems some of us would like to believe they have never been anything but unwatched and autonomous – never really impacting anyone or anyone. And for some, that’s the dream – 

Reality Check. What you do in life will always have an impact on others. Even a life that has come and passed unnoticed by the world, it impacted someone. And your deeds, and how you behave, follows you everywhere - all the time. It shows in your face, your attitudes, and how you interact with others. 

Who you have become is written in your continence – and consciously or not, others do see it. 

But there is really great news – you have the power to change everything – who you are right now, regardless of your past, and who you will become in the future, is completely up to you. 

Everyone sees you – and gratefully, most are looking for the good – so be good – even when you when think no one else is watching. 

And, that’s it. An Ounce, submitted for your consideration.